NASA Image of the Day

Sunday, December 18, 2016

New Audio Recording Release - Dawn M. Nevills

AVAILABLE NOW! $9.99 - just in time for Christmas!

poetry favourites read aloud - Vol. 1

Read aloud by Dawn M. Nevills

In this volume:

Swinburne, Malloch, Arnold, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sandburg and others!

poetry favourites read aloud   - Vol. 1  Dawn M. Nevills


Sunday, November 27, 2016

This year's "Message to Michael"

This year's underestimated women have something to say, quietly, too....

"" Be part of watching something Bloomin' wonderful grow.....People. xo...everywhere.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Towards Democracy with Integrity

Much has been said about the ideals of democracy.

Its goals are lofty, its ideals are the stuff of the best of man's aspirations, practices, and beliefs, and its precepts - presumably, and by definition - are supposedly reflective of what its most precious values keep sacred, in the daily infrastructures of a free and just society.

And yet.....not until 1947 did Quebec officially recognize the equality of women, and allow them to vote. Think about that. Slaves were emancipated from the Deep South of the United States and FLED to this country ....and women could not participate, legally, in the official declaration of the idea of freedom, within the very democracy that supposedly rescued other human beings from institutional bondage.

For all of our discussions of language, inclusion, cultural representation, religious, sexual, and minority-driven equalities......the Second World War did not include women who could officially vote in Quebec. Little is said by a smug Nation about the reality of its history - and its treatment - of women.

Herded onto official plots of land deemed not threatening enough to deter "progress", blood percentage quotas were also "officially" imposed upon the main aboriginal inhabitants of the country by its "officials" in order to determine and institutionalize governmental subsistence, intertribal racism, caste mentality, and "dependences" which were encouraged and instituted as "equal", while instantly creating a "removed citizen" system which isolated, "zooed" and reduced its First Nations generationally. They created pogroms of the popular, with punishment-popular systems of accountability and shaming with little or no ways and means for governmental and operational foundation-building training....and then, having reduced recipients to recalcitrant child status, moaned about waste and accountability, when the imposed system began to implode. The well-crafted "problem child Frankenstein" failed to perform like the much-hoped-for sainted dancing bear.

  Only recently have some of these systemic norms been acknowledged, recognized, and exposed for the ways in which they have "retarded" normal societal growth and inculcated gross misunderstandings, terrible degradations, and complete ignorance about who, what and why the idea of "status" came to be in the first place.

Recent footage revealed the horrific poverty and alarming suicide rates of people in the Far North. More alarming, amidst supposed increases in connectivity and "available wealth" was, simply, a sense of hopelessness in the young....and the elderly. Removed from a knowledge of their own tradition, the void between the two, and the lack of understanding, had become vast, and disturbing.

Having been used up, wrung out, and exploited, the "discomfort" that is "the difficult Aunt" of representational democracy, having been patted on the hand and quietly shut up in the attic to pay off everyone's bills, would not go away, amidst the hypocrisy, the glamour, the new beauty, and the remembered hours of double overtime shifts worked, like most people, with the idea of it resulting in a life made better by work and effort. Alas....1947, a propensity for enjoying the practice of patronizing hope, and the convenience of "putting them uppity niggers to good use" saw the dignity, honour, and belief in the idea of service, denigrated and debased with a viciousness and focus usually reserved for a truly threatening enemy. Education, hope, and equality, responding in bewilderment, looked around in horror, and recognized how easily enslavement of "one for all the rest who found it convenient" - oblivious to the shadows of the six million gassed to death in a fever pitch of focused and furious group envy - was allowed to continue, unchecked.

The artist, aghast at the distortion of freedom and law, retreated, wounded.......

...and then, defiant at the outrage, demanded reparations; unrepentant, determined.....unrelenting.    

Friday, August 19, 2016

Sky Sigh

I looked into the ink  of God and saw
The thoughtful eyes of moments ago
Reminding me of all that I had yet
To do
And in that instant
I flew
Under their gaze

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Nobody Does it Better

"Tears Dry on Their Own" - gentle thoughts of damaged lives and new tomorrows with changed Dawn M Nevills

"Fake Plastic Trees" - an unexpected interpretation, by Dawn M. Nevills

Thought for the Day

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hockey Pome

Mine's a workaday thought, bound by matter.
When I close my eyes, I see it rise above the various pros and trons, electras and newts,
Winged, like all those
Higher Beings
I see pictures of, when I have a moment away from
Tidying Up.

All this order, and disorder....tidy, tidy tidy.
The rain broom sweeps the dust particles and glinted motes in the sunlight,
A reminder of the wondrous Moments, breathed into
When the matter took shape,
And Mattered.

Maybe the bees are confused, lately;
Gentle, cheery, ardent, focused:
A lot of things die when their example isn't followed.....
Joy, surprises, thoughtfulness, humour, steely possibles....Hope.....
All waiting.
It's different from constantly being

D. Nevills

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Of Cheese and Wine and Love

Oh, if this dirt could blow a carbon image of dream's imagining,
Then I might curve around, star-like
A universe contained in the eyes
Undiscovered, known.

Woulds't thou see, in elements undetermined, form, and fan, and fly,
Amidst the shifting winds of Time?
These shells.....these shells we inhabit - these gifts of function -
Permit us to share Each Other.
In the doing, when our minds are allowed - oh, such Brevity, Darling Mine! -
Circumference completion.

There is no other explanation.
 In the circle's half, hands hold face, embrace,
Find, Speak, Caress, Weep, Speak Again, Moan Lost Years,
Mature, Regress, Scream Moments Gone,
Embrace the Griefs of Other,
Comfort, Wish Pain Gone....and

As years pass, the vessels are imperfect, but
We see, as years ago, the beauty and fire that
Ignited the
Joining of spirit and Ardour
In a world of
Only Briefly,
and it is

Friday, June 3, 2016

Circles and Halves

I wonder why Picasso called it
"Girl in a Mirror".

did he miss his breasts, or just wonder why they were missing?

did he just want to understand why no one would probably have bothered
to look at the painting if he'd called it

Self portrait of the surgically removed? having

denuded himself of his

feminine side, he needed to

pencil in all of the

internal organs

After all, it completed the

Hymn to the


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Thoughts and prayers going out today for the terrified 61,000 people fleeing raging fires in Fort McMurray, Alberta today, as the military is called in to assist people trying to escape, after a major exit south of the city was blocked by fire earlier yesterday. This is the largest evacuation due to disaster in Alberta's history....please stay "Caring and Canadian", as people escape, literally from an 80-foot wall of flames with their lives. Please help when you can, and in whatever way you can, during this terrible and frightening time for them....!No prayer is ever wasted.

Monday, May 2, 2016

SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS ONLINE..Check out Dawn's spoken word recordings online! BUY ONE NOW!

PURCHASE HERE on REVERBNATION - "Bringing Music and Art to the Nation!"


IT'S "Celebration Year" for THE BARD!.

BRING POETRY ALIVE IN CLASS.....with a SPOKEN WORD Sonnet Recording....


"POEMS FROM BUTTERSCOTCH COTTAGE" ............... on sale NOW!!!!

Downloadable, accessible.....memorize your favourite via MP3! Makes a great audition read!

Special gift note:
(Autographed hardcopy CD's of "Poems from Butterscotch Cottage" available upon request.!)

..........Dawn's original poetry and collection of original paintings come to life! 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016

"Jar Saids" live poetry reading by Dawn M. Nevills

Monday, April 11, 2016

"Ribbon In The Sky"

Fire and Ice

The exquisite ice of harbour cocoon,
Insistent as the protective parental arms of a a joined and fearless Omniscient Sentinel
Fiercely remind hearth and heart and hurt,
That green and good and go and giving
Inevitable and interdependent as the mystery of Love,
Are alliterative alerts
To the infinite and complex simplicity that is
God and All.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Better Resurrection - by Sylvia Plath (for Robin Williams.."one of the Good Williams"xo)

A Better Resurrection

by Sylvia Plath

I have no wit, I have no words, no tears; My heart within me like a stone Is numbed too much for hopes or fears; Look right, look left, I dwell alone; A lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief No everlasting hills I see; My life is like the falling leaf; O Jesus, quicken me.

a gentle note:

The person who you might mistake for not reacting enough
Might be holding shards together inside.

Never think for a moment kindness goes unnoticed. xo

"Feather Fur and Fin" OFFICIAL VIDEO by Danny Michel

DANNY MICHEL "What Colour Are You?" |

Danny Michel - If God's On Your Side

Dan Fogelberg - Leader of the band "with lyrics"

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Embryonic Stars Emerge from Interstellar 'Eggs'

Embryonic Stars Emerge from Interstellar 'Eggs': Eerie, dramatic pictures from NASA's Hubble telescope show newborn stars emerging from 'eggs' -- dense, compact pockets of interstellar gas called evaporating gaseous globules or EGGs.

E. E. Cummings: Selected Poems | 92Y Readings

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dust - Steve Winwood with the greatest of respect. lol.

Towards the Renewed Possible - A Strategy by Dawn M. Nevills

     Amidst the skimmed burp of information daily perused, inhaled and sifted like a bakery on alert for weevils, Everyman ponders the sensibility, sensitivity, and viability of the Renewed Possible.

........We have called it many things: The National Dream; Hope in a Handset (having tired, heretofore, of the other "wringing", and, thus, accordingly, seeking both feedback and the rest of the shaking and gesticulations bursting forth in a "moment and meant" of  seemingly futile postulation);The New Deal (modern accoutrements and accompaniments notwithstanding, translation-wise) - and yet, what we seek within a larger framework of societal structure, stabilized, a new "pattern and possible" in geopolitical, industrial and economic growth, and a "better tomorrow" - which includes us, as human beings, as well as what sustains us, flora and fauna specifically - is indeed, that elusive thing called "definitive viability." 

We need a plan that is workable, both short and long term; kind to the sensitivities and predilection for encouraged optimism and individual entrepreneurism, (however snuffed out, spiritually, in the best possible sense, notwithstanding) - which responds to both change, immediate need, and economic sustainability, generationally; but also one which sees the present day within the context and framework of both gradual -  and immediate - change. In some cases, this might just be the best possible combination - much to the astonished surprise of the current tech gurus - of something much, much more than "the latest and greatest." 

One seeks to assess, (like any immediate reality), both strengths and weaknesses, whilst recognizing both the significance of a very real "World Political Forum"(which is a reality very different in the age of technology, than what was known by our forebears, in the age of Globe-shrinking communication), while simultaneously building, encouraging, and including those progressing and those struggling, within what we, as human beings, might sensitively term, our "Shared Garden".

What is true, known, and inherently contingent upon our ability to simply "get along", is our acknowledgement of this, JOINTLY, in something which the ardent environmentalist vehemently shocks to enforce, in an age of both renewed effort and recognition of our surroundings, and our very continuance as a species.

......But this is simply not enough, and without the complementary approach of presenting both problem and viable paths towards help and renewal, this often creates the "us and them" mentality upon which so very many political screaming matches are based. Sadly, both are breathless at argument's end, but no closer to actually solving the problem.

While the lauding of financial efforts and genuinely heartfelt, charismatic, singularly focused, and mountain-moving protections about which one enthuses will meet with the necessary considerations by the Everyman of Everday, at the very least, we must, needs be, make it POSSIBLE to achieve these things in the average person's life, in everyday, but MADE POSSIBLE by means of the political tools at our disposal. 

Anything else will simply not make enough difference, fast enough. This is not a defeatist attitude, it simply requires that the recognition of it means gradual change - not necessarily in patterns of movement - but in the kinds of things we do and the kinds of ways we move about - in order to truly prove our merit as a society of creative and intelligent industrial artistry. The grinder will hone his craft, even as his tools change with the structure upon which he bases his fine tuned skills and eye for specific detail and structure. The craftsman delights, and is reborn.

     It is within this framework that Kyoto was born, and many embraced and ardently incorporated it in the ways and mean by which they sought to begin these efforts on an individual level. In that way, it was both laudible, and possible - not just on a large scale, but in the way in which it stressed the very real effects of individual efforts towards a twenty percent goal really DID - and DOES - make a difference. In doing so, it began to empower people beyond the stasis that insists that one person cannot make any kind of difference. This is a lie. 

At the same time, we cannot destroy economies by alienating the very industries and geopolitical industrial machines and cogworks which give Everyman, every day, every pay. He must work, must feel moved to do so, must feel an important part of the larger framework, and must still feel free to both discuss, develop and make possible the kinds of solutions which our forefathers saw as something as simple as "meeting a need for a thing". 

Our needs our much more complex, crowded as the Earth is with "things discarded and never used, other than the sure knowledge that we are as good as the other guy, now that we have one, too, whether we needed it, or not" ethics. 

Both industrially and socioscientifically, as Einstein pointed out, we must always consider the reality that invention, however well meant, might well be exploited in harmful ways, too. In translating this towards human development, the recognition of this in industrial creativity, at its rewarded best, must begin to include these ethics, but also, to begin to INCORPORATE this brilliance within the everyday PRODUCTS which the consumer is able to afford. We are not lacking in brilliance, only in large scale overhaul, made impossible by absurd absences of economic responsibility at the CEO level, goal sharing that ignores the public's desire for that same, and refusals to make it part of the "economical family transport with the latest smart design".  It IS possible - and sustainable - because it also fuels a quality of life, a social system, and an expectation of continuity which engenders loyalty, not greed, and which ensures that the idea of "neighbourhood" also includes your bank, your grocer, your hardware store, your clothier, and your restauranteur - all of whom actively participate in, want to continue to operate in, and celebrate, the activities, lives, and people who make their ability to make a living possible, too. Excessive wealth does not happen accidentally; there is a targeted, relentless elimination of competition on a smaller scale that ruthlessly exploits poverty, eliminates ideas like "layaway" at a local store level, and in so doing feeds the excessive and egregious greed that is finance which further feeds on poverty and desperation, all the while calculatedly planning out the final, consumptive, goal. 
This becomes readily apparent with greater demand for skyrocketing stock gains, impossible targets, and oblivious and insulated shareholder threats, when demanded progress creates worker hardship, exploitation, and terrible abuses, at every level of all organizations involved.   

That fine line we walk between progressive scientific development and what we "ought not" to do grows complicated in an age of gene-splicing, DNA mystery plundering, and a new internalization of the map of ourselves, but we must not, I fear, be consumed with the fantastic majesty of the miraculous complexity of humanity, to the detriment of its continuance. 

Others might well call this, in a considered age of astounding consumerism, an expected lifestyle, an expectation of plenty, (sometimes without much effort, frankly), as a matter of course, and "extended navel gazing", but I like to think of it as unfocused healing: in our "mapquest of ourselves", we have, oftentimes, actually lost sight of what actual goal we were headed towards, rather arrogantly, in many cases, and, in combination with the predilection for all things technological, lost sight of electrical impulse and renewed mobility (much to our amputees' dismay), and thought ourselves the Gods of replication and route, achieving, ultimately.......a large consumption of capital wealth and not very much bloody healing. The result? The poor embrace the contraction of venereal diseases as a viable way out of poverty, having abandoned any real hope, in their lifetime, of the education, everyday work, and impetus to continue to achieve both, towards what we like to call a "balanced lifestyle". 

That ten years of a shortened life could have eradicated cancer, but needs to pay skyrocketing student loans with no practical opportunity for "real time" spent in "real life" - not (do pardon me, with the greatest respect for those making burn units the first step towards a new face, and a new hope) the latest "lift" because we need to still look 29, when, dammit......we are bloody well 52, and should be creating a respect for it, not a denial of its reality. This is a symptom of a lack of respect for all things which should be cherished for what they ARE, instead of remaining, like the man who thinks nothing of himself if he is not the Pride and Prowess in Performance, and can only ever go out, in his own mind,  with a bang, because he can never be allowed to mellow, like fine wine, and comfortably and warmly walk gently into that good night, happily swearing up a storm in the dust of his legacy - and missed, in his absence, unapologetically. He has suddenly discovered the imposed perfection of Today's Woman - and discovers that he might actually like to have a witty conversation, after all....even if she does have wrinkles, and her breasts do not point skyward, impossibly. He suddenly realizes resting your head on anything like that might cause brain damage. 

Leaders like President Obama, recognizing the significance of both everyday necessity, having not either lost touch, or lost sight, of the working poor who continue to operate within the "serving generation" - which will only grow, as the populace ages - take on the monumental task of both bolstering the infrastructure which empowers society, while simultaneously trying to ensure the healing of its broken, the care of its aging, and curbing the sometimes antagonized Establishment who has, (having been placed in that role on so many occasions)become weary of being referred to as "The Source" and "To Blame", while simultaneously still being expected to carry the burden of societal economic stability. I call this the "I'll take the cheque but slap the cheek" syndrome: not a particularly healthy daily reality between Everyman, and Everyday Work - and, frankly, achieving nothing but widening the usual finger-pointing gap between what we conveniently label "the Problem", while doing nothing to help what we automatically assume is to blame: ourselves and each other. How could anyone possibly love us as Ourselves? So imperfect (unlike anything produced by AI); so obviously HUMAN. One of my friends calls it the "Trisha Romance" attitude towards art: precious and magical, but without the grief and guts of some of Marilyn Manson's most startling watercolours, which you simply never WANT to discover are "just like the photography". Michaelangelo disturbed and moved people by art, too - perhaps not with the path of excruciation taken by Marilyn Manson, but certainly not shying away from it, as far as Crucifixion and the Agony of Experience extolled by all the Innocence and Experience lost by Blake's Tyger. 

One such example is the Auto Industry. Bolstered by the recognized irresponsibility of a seemingly unaccountable Wall Street hierarchy which might well have engineered its own - never mind everyone else's - economic implosion, were it not for the refusal of the Everyday to prioritize million dollar bonuses before meeting the payroll of the guy struggling to pay the required medical insurance premium (and you know who you are, while thousands of your colleagues lost pensions, jobs, and, in some cases, everything they owned, to the very small percentage of complete apathy which spoke, or showed, nothing of the kind of Promise or Purpose in its CEO leadership that still exists, praise God, in this world), it nearly imploded, simply as a direct result of what used to be the norm: REAL corporate leadership.

     In an age when the individual is often stifled, while truly seeking to motivate, simply as a result of a motley collection of the following - named with the Tome-inherent and gentle smile of a Lollipop Captain all grown up and chewing on a spliff stub, defiantly: jealousy(my personal favourite); personal insecurity, (often tied to both racism, sexism, and a "disappeared" belief in one's potential for anything, but certainly anything that involves actual WORK); respect for what has gone before - but more, a genuine affection, patience, and interest in why things didn't work, and why some things that DID work, were often totally misunderstood, as well as abandoned, much to our detriment; and an interest in larger issues than delving into the thirty second opposing thumbs tweet of people's personal lives, movements, and "verbal ejaculations", which often translates into the same appetite for instant gratification that has turned our children into allergic, paranoid, overly-worldly, manic depressive examples of a combination of overprotectiveness and frustration on the part of their overwrought parents - who are obsessed with other people's personal lives, instead of where their own might be headed....because....well....that's what you do, isn't it?

     Remember when getting a cold did not instantly spread fears of either dying of Aids or instantly developing complications of flesh-eating disease?

     Granted, the shrinking of our world has made us acutely aware of both lifestyle expectation, and the bereft, but this has had some very shocking results: Ebola and historical Rwanda are a disgusting example of our generation's complete ignorance and incompetence, tribally, socially, economically, and from a simply human perspective. We speak of conditions like H.I.V. with a plethora of handwringing, while degrading our societal infrastructure, simaltaneously, in a desperate attempt to return balance and maintain stability, while the conscience of the Superrich is politely held, along with their attention, for the requisite five minutes, along with C-span's latest froth, and the movement of binary shares for today's burst of realized tech greatness.

     There is nothing about sustained growth, sustained effort, mutual goals, recognition of real effort, recognition of the reliable - and more, THANKS for it, and its quiet diligence - while always expecting it to, as Keanu Reeves states it, "show up, man".

     The other half of the world, scrabbling to walk the six miles to collect sticks for firewood in an atmosphere of daily hostility, the reality of rape in the face of survival - something simply unacceptable and an insult to any Faith practice, religion, or society who speaks of Love, and yet allows this by its own, towards its own, as an examply of ignorance, Fear, and reaction to perceived lack of power and control, politically, and NOTHING else, regardless of Saint, Martyr, Founder, or Saviour as its source and example, stricken with the same conditions - watch in bewilderment, as what was the bulwark of rescuing the most desperate,  becomes a shameful example of its dissolution and desperation.

     The Superrich, polite and affable, watch, sometimes affected, sometimes feared and fearful, but only insofar as their capacity for genuine change and concern is not taxed, overmuch, or challenged, while its source - a REAL SHARED HEART which does not exclude them from the reality of The Possible which seeks its capabilities and action - not moved by enmity, or discouraged by increasing hostility, but stimulated by its own inherent heroic nature, insofar as its shared belief that the YES YOU CAN has, as its example....THEM. This does not make them the enemy, it makes them the model, and those shoes, newly fitted, become a very real, and joyfully celebrated DAX, (I pun for fun, reference notwithstanding) for today's man or woman - but beautifully worn, resoled, and reheeled with loving care. They are well-travelled, having sought to be so, and understand its very real importance - not simply as status, but for a new understanding of how precious places, and people, and moments,  suddenly become. It is a staggering moment of recognition for some, within the confines and configurations of daily accumulation, but an instant of Joy, when it occurs, and is real, unrehearsed, not a sales script, and truly comes from the heart. 

We are jointly denuded morally, and astoundingly, very much the same, that Superrich and I: astounded at how we got there - or here, or here - but mostly unsurprised that two people with all the same basic parts could end up in such different circumstances.

We cannot seem to find that Dear Bridge that connected us both to ourselves, each other, and our humanity, try as we will: the superrich become increasingly insulated, distant and weary of blame, not celebrating capacity to "figuratively move mountains" any more, but only disturbed, occasionally, and uncomfortably, by their lack of will to do so. We become a culture of Punishment and Blame, instead of a Bastion of Effort and Achievement, which requires effort, but measures achievement very differently, when the day is done. We lose the "They did it, I can too" impetus, the gentle coaching that did not heavy-handedly demand an expected course of personal attainment, but sought to allow room, provide opportunity, encourage both successes and the reality of "get up and try again, except perhaps this way, this time", NOT as indicators of failure, but measures of sometimes uncontrollable, external, and beaten odds against giving up. We fall down, and we get back up. We learn from these experiences, but we don't castigate imperfection and destroy, mangle and suffocate spontaneity and idea.

The viability of the Master's Program in Business Administration should, needs be, when it has a Political Focus, include the dissertation which strives, at its base, to simaltaneously discuss both gradual, and immediate changes required in an economic base which seeks, as its goal, to both embrace transition, while recognizing that total tech means the death of many things, when mishandled and erroneously presupposed as "totally necessary", while providing no reinvestment, industry-wise, in grid-bolstering, energy source production, and recycling which demand the same ethics from production to recycle as do its industrial-producing corporate counterparts - and yet they, too, can be found in the dump, abandoned, ignored, and an example of both the absence of wasteproduction ethics, and the reality of not investing in real, achievable, sustainable developments like solar power, which make its own continuance, generationally, a real source of job stability. The success stories should include the "cycle of use" magnum opus that - like waste production - does not see its outmoded efforts lying on the beaches of third world nations, like plastic bottles washing up on a filthy body of polluted water, but, instead "dropped off and rewarded like the simplicity of another need - a good glass of beer" - and dropped off, like used eye glasses, in an era of recycled that often includes, sadly US: ask Uber.

     The trick is the "Us and Them". Pink Floyd saw it as a spatial problem, contemplating that the "ordinary men" might well see a way, but the Auto Industry cannot develop, if its top people cannot both reinvest - like the computer industry - in development which embraces both gradual, and immediate, development, because it feels demonized as an industry, instead of the Pioneers of both yesterday AND tomorrow, as the result of retooling, retraining, renewing, and restoring, while it values the very PEOPLE who both make, and will make use of, what is produced. Wrested from the greed of an uncaring control, its bewildered and hopeful working man and woman see the struggles of its President and Protector, besieged by the insanity of disdain within an industry, and the absence of concern from the criminal made so by a lack of will within themselves to feel the nagging voice of their inner expressing discomfort at the exploited barrio and the stifling tenements. Rising above it - literally - they will not recognize their own power and ability to be a part of renewal, instead of removed from where many of them actually originated. I make no judgement, having seen miraculous change in the most astoundingly unexpected soul, only remark on its place within the overall process - and yet this is the only possible way that serious change is going to occur, in these times. They are aware of the hypocrisy of their own apathy, even more than the so-called "morally upright". We are all, at the end of the day, sinners. We can only progress towards a different Self. That, too, is Possible in a Finite and infinite sensibility without which we are simply still Dust, as Steve Winwood so beautifully sang. The song has new meaning, having become more than its basest indicator or impetus, erroneously.   

     Granted, the immediacy of environmental processes and fossil-fuel source-seeking which embraces - not antagonizes and ignores - the reality of fresh water as inherent for our SPECIES survival, as well as getting there to admire "how pretty it is", and sees, as part and parcel of its corporate agenda, the latest and brightest in safety and process brilliance in engineering which is REWARDED, not PUNISHED, for its innovation, by realities like TAX CUTS and gentle BEHAVIOURAL MODIFICATION which REWARDS it,  as an industry, cannot do so without tangible efforts steered by encouragement, and demanded, by a public shaken by the voices that speak of dwindling resource and include, within its parameters......US, again. Humans.

     The reality of the small addition of recharging stations at the corner gas station are VIABLE, along with solar powered panels on city vehicles - with an immediacy that recognizes the very REAL danger of inner city smog, while recognizing that renewed accessibility to public transportation by government planners who actually CARE about the populace getting to work,  by making it POSSIBLE for the poor to GET THERE, via these trains, trolleys and trike-stop-journeys, are not at odds with the ability, and the ingenuity, of developments which do not kill us while we prove how fast we can get there, over the long term. Envisioning this moves to "the possible", by means of the "makings of men": the information highway is only one way by which transitways are strengthed, goods move, and people can make a living. We cannot dream them there, as a reality, and we must recognize that fear of moving on to the monumental task of industry refurbishment and DOING will NOT come by starving the industry, glutting the market, and making the bottom drop out of the economy because we are not using both hands to create our pottery masterpiece, while simultaneously lambasting the already head-banging, opining, and beleaguered necessity of an intelligent populace who suddenly recognize that the only thing stopping this from happening is the same thing as other generations: entrepreneurs.

What is the capital loan system doing to encourage the growth of this, whilst lining their pockets with million-dollar bonuses? NOTHING. Realities like Kiva, in desperation, flourish in dire places of need, because "field inspection" is no longer part of an investment banker's sense of "empowering  dreams" - and, frankly, because as a result of not including him or her IN that community-driven process, they have become insular, insulated, and removed. We have ourselves to blame, for not demanding different, creating it - and getting it. We are intellectually lazy, effort-impatient (personally and methodically, having not been made respectful of its steady, reliable and stable value) well as underestimated, even in our own opinions of ourselves, having been slammed repeatedly in every instance of actual leadership, despondent with a sensibility which does not value the Dream-made- reality, even while that small glimmer remains, flourishes, and quietly continues to create Hope, even in the most beautifully unexpected places, and from the astonished and momentary free time of the Creative Thinker, encouraged.

Not to bemoan supposed apathy, but, rather, to analyze its source, at last, we can truly understand that the everything is connected to the Whole, and the Everyman, both methodical - not mechanical - in meshing Hope, Reason, Effort and, most importantly, HEART in the inexplicable joy of expressions of that same, creates His or Her own ultimate work of art - Continuance, unmarred and shaken - but happily so - while respecting that the Garden, having been provided with the capability to sustain, is moved by the inexplicable Source of all that Reason, Glory and Renewal make possible, in the best possible Wordsworthian sense. 

It is, even so, with gentle inclusion of the cynicism of the Dawkin, while yet, understanding that that lies more in frustration, than actual, solid and complete unbelief of the Possible, when all the arguments are unravelled, fully -  that Spirit, undiminished, which created Tintern Abbey as a testament to the Ultimate Greatness, while not seeking to diminish, or destroy, but, rather, to respectfully map, with Einstein's great care and caution, the intricacies of the starlight that showed us the same carbon element that Breath made as Potter's vessel, unhampered, sustained, and encouraged - the We that is still The People, aware of something, much, much Greater - our Tomorrows.              

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


It was the finger of light that drove him,
Maddening whisper of almost-touch, a breath away - a world away,
Reaching into his gut and birthed by it,
Moving beyond shells,
Beneath the garbage and eaves of the undergrowth of the growing,
Moss-hewn, heavy with life and sorrow - eyes old with Grief;
Rock silent..

Within its secret societal whisper he became quieted,
Shocked by presence,
Loved by lightning,
Ice flamed,

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chocolate Logic

Chocolate comes from cocoa.

Cocoa comes from a tree.

This makes it a plant.

Therefore.....chocolate counts as salad.

The end.  (laughter)

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Emperor, thou hast seen the pierce of song eyes in the darkling mind, conjured.

Nightingale, eyes have seen a bird in every tree;
and every tree a gaudy mess - 'tis none of thee, he says in the grey shadows.
The shells we build around ourselves - skin, and careweight, like shields -
Invisible reaction to all we ingest and excrete psychically,
Absent building blocks of an automatic stop sign
For the world to obey.

The world, being of itself, but not in it, will not. Oblivious, it continues its barrage of aphorisms, analysis, and skirmish, feeding the carnage diet of Dr Feel Safe - but won't ever -  until
We are sick with the excess caloric kill rate;
Weak with our ability to erase creativity in an instant
In five hundred million different ways;
.....but too timid to fingerpaint, until it feels older.

A pen; a brush, a calligraphy stylus; a soldering iron, Potter-like with zealous spark ignited,
Repairing intricate silver shards into a mesmerizing accessory;
Accessorizing discarded shrapnel into exquisite glamour, in mockery of its
Arm candy quality, with defiance, like military industrial complex roadkill, recycled;
Elegant on the arm and on the ears of
A plump, elegant

Jury, Jewry, Jewel in Sanskrit crown, unfurled.....artisan, cradled.
The exercise in expansion and prescription, trouble and cure, self-realized...
Self prescribed.

Poetry: ecstatic excess of a controlled substance,
Exquisite warble meld, sated.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wriggle Skyward

Snail envy isn't so much a longing for the world to slow,
As a desire to shell swap.
Slug-like, the squirmy-wormy wriggle carries upon itself
Home, and burden, and cave
Retreating at will.

What terror a shell game would be to it!
Havoc played with all of its Comfort,
Though dragging it along as
Care and Cure.

Imagine the wriggle suddenly popping out wings, instead,
Metamorphosizing mouth imploding of a sudden,
And with a small "o" of surprise,
"Cut away!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Leo's Paintings

I remember one morning in my life with the clarity of exquisitely felt breath,
In a way that remembers it, second by second, moving in and filling my lungs,
And I, in tune with, awash in wilderness syncopation, alight with stinging frost,
Pierced to the soul,
Understanding loss, and life, Other and Self.

I shall hold it to me, groaning, this second, knowing its woman's being,
Rolling in its depth, almost dead:
Renewed, all at once, in a rebirth of carbon
Breathed into as of old,
Askance at my new knowledge of bonding,
Seeing shell with
Brilliant, born eyes,
touching it, and touch

Else's wave in and among all of earth's breathed Wordsworthian Current
I shall tremble,