Green wonderful, wind surely around the metals and spikes - my fingers confusing waterfire; igniting liquid inner flame, scattering shot-like sparks of celebration in a peering sky: celebration showers; showers of glee and glow and song and search, spreading out in glittering, flaming searching rainbow arcs of quench.
Impossibly soft moss - like a sigh - spread out the wonder of love beneath the shaded canopy
of dappled wooded solid lungs, exhaling life into the blue ball garden.
Birds, trill a trace of "lay we down a verse, and song, and moment of continuance to you, whispering
live, and languid, ye lions."
Oh, wind, move the watering sky deep amongst the fronded froth of 'spring forth', beckoning sun and shared sand wind to your brief rest, 'tween times.
Harken to the running rivers leaping and dancing, swelling buds to burst the earth, sudden petal wheels, whirring.
Here is
Wild All,
Undulating. Here am I....waving..