NASA Image of the Day

Monday, May 11, 2020


Too true it is, that I have loved.
Let it be said, when I am gone, that those I have loved knew it,
....And were glad.

Monday, May 4, 2020

just released - THROW ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE - Dawn M. Nevills

Just released -

Number 1 on the Top Jazz Artists List for Reverb Nation.

Track No. 1 - THROW ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE - Dawn M. Nevills

..............Take THAT, Covid-19......

                                               timing leaves something to be desired....Sigh.
                                                                                     Oh well. 
                                                          ..... call me a helpful diversion........ Wink.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Wink Wonkbonkered.

And to each new sunlit filter finger trickle trace
Mere shadow, tingling on the face
Thusly knighted, strangely sighted, never blighted
 - Save of grief, now flickering, gray ache, gentled -
I shout, upon this day...."O Gather, Brief and Shining Moments, All,
Who've yet to live, and sing.....
So say we all!"