Daniel Ch. 7 V. 1-28
Sunset and Sandman Dawn M. Nevills
I stand upon the cooling grains,
Tousled sentinel at the sun's dying,
All shells and chasms ground to glints
Of their former selves.
The crushed mix is a testament to
The rhythmic, thunderous warning,
Crashing each against each:
Into, and upon; within and without
of Themselves.
Mine are roughened soles;
And yet, a hint of warmth,
Hastening from the blazing orb at noon
- still held within each sparkle of matter -
Is returned, in a Comfort
Remembered, and shared:
Tempered and tender in the
Salt smell, and quieted foam
of grey gloom setting.
I cannot hasten this passing,
Only close my eyes and feel
Reflected heat course through me
Recallling, and Recalled;
Fireframed, and forgotten, but
Roughly refined - meeting my
Other Half
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