NASA Image of the Day

Friday, July 24, 2020

Be a Global Parent with Unicef

PEACE. I would have peace for my Friends.
I would have Peace for their dark-eyed babies, their blue-eyed babies, their hazel-eyed babies,
dreaming softly of a star-filled sky, far away from the wretched ground, beckoning;
The reeking puddles; the squalor; the shrieking.
I would have peace for the pang of hunger; the stab of thirst; the anguished heart, languishing and bereft, believing itself Forgotten.
I would have Peace for the Angry woman hearts, whose Mother love knows no boundaries, no borders, no languages: only cries and whimpers, seen, heard and unfound.
The quiet Father love prayers, that strengthen other Men, restrain anger and violence, renew fierce Friendship, and make a way where there seemed none amidst such seeming Power in the world, to make it so.
They are Global Parent tears; Global Parent Hearts: they speak all languages, love all names for God, clasp each other's hands in shared Grief, and remembered Joy.
I would have Peace for these Women, even now; I would have Peace for their injured, aching, saddened, strong-but-tired Men, their Lost or Living Lovers, their stolen Babies.
I would have Peace for my own. I would have Peace for them all.
Peace, after all...just a step away from Love.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Happy Canada Day 2020

We wish our friends to the south, North, East and West, the continuing joy and Friendship that is the Canadian Spirit.... Covid, be damned.

And now....a word about "Nunavut.":

The outbreak by the numbers (as of 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2020):

  • Globally: 5,615,689 cases  |  2,307,901 recovered  |  351,077 deceased
  • Canada: 86,647 cases  |  45,339 recovered  |  6,639 deceased
  • British Columbia: 2,541 cases  |  2,122 recovered  |  161 deceased
  • Alberta: 6,901 cases  |  6,048 recovered  |  139 deceased
  • Saskatchewan: 634 cases  |  549 recovered  |  8 deceased
  • Manitoba: 292 cases  |  269 recovered  |  7 deceased
  • Ontario: 26,191 cases  |  19,958 recovered  |  2,123 deceased
  • Quebec: 48,598 cases  |  14,999 recovered  |  4,139 deceased
  • New Brunswick: 122 cases  |  120 recovered
  • Nova Scotia: 1,052 cases  |  976 recovered  |  59 deceased
  • Prince Edward Island: 27 cases  |  27 recovered
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 260 cases  |  255 recovered  |  3 deceased
  • Yukon: 11 cases  |  11 recovered
  • Northwest Territories: 5 cases  |  5 recovered
  • Nunavut: 0 cases
  • Trenton (CFB quarantine): 13 cases